Josie Howard, MSW
Chief Executive Officer, WAO
Phone: (808) 913-1364
Josie is a cofounder and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) for WAO. A native of Onoun Island in Chuuk, FSM, Josie graduated from Xavier High School and the Community College of Micronesia before transferring to University of Hawai‘i at Hilo where she studied Biology, Anthropology, and Pacific Island Studies and was actively involved in the Micronesian community as student peer counselor, president of the International Students Association, a student researcher at the Minority Biomedical Research Program, Resident Assistant in Housing, President of the Chuukese Students Association, as well as chairperson for the Campus Ministry. She went on to earn her Master’s degree in Social Work from University of Hawaii at Manoa. Throughout her years in Hawaii, Josie has over 15 years of servicing the community, with 8 years working with private agencies contracted by the Department of Health Waiver program, 5 years in the Department of Education, and 5 years in program development, implementation, and piloting a one-stop center model.